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Nutritional Canvas: Painting Wellness with Every Bite

There are so many things to focus on during your Luxeathon,™ so a healthy relationship with food can get left behind. Fueling your body is crucial to performing at your best! “Healthy eating” doesn’t mean setting rules or restrictions for yourself. At Campus Dining by Thomson Hospitality™, we want to reassure you that a healthy relationship with food can be all-inclusive, tasty and nourishing. Explore these tips to try it out for yourself and live your Luxe Life™ deliciously.  

Listen to Your Body 

When it comes to food, your body knows what's best. Try paying attention to the hunger and fullness cues in your stomach throughout the day. Looking at a Hunger-Fullness Scale can help determine when you’re ready to grub. Remember not to let the plate dictate when a meal is finished. It’s always okay to get a second helping or save some for later depending on your body’s needs.  As you enjoy a meal, check in with yourself. Are you starting to feel full, or still needing more? Eating until comfortably full will help you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.  

Balance That  Plate 

Each macronutrient has essential health benefits. Protein allows the body to grow, build, and repair tissue. Carbohydrates (carbs) provide energy and help metabolize glucose. Fats allow you to store energy and produce important hormones. USDA recommendations for daily macronutrient levels are 45-65% carbs, 20-35% fats, and 10-35% proteins.  

Try to use this guide and think of your plate like it's a pie chart. Fill half of it with complex carbs like veggies or grains for energy, a quarter with proteins like lean meat or tofu for protein, and a quarter with healthy fats like nuts. Remember, this is just a guide, and meals don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to enjoy foods simply because you like the taste, or it’s what's available to you.  

Savor the Flavor 

Ever gone for a chip while scrolling your phone, only to end up finishing the whole bag without realizing it? There is no shame in snacking, but it’s important to ensure every bite is savored. Try being intentional about meals and snacks. Putting food in a dish, sitting down, and fully tasting it without distraction is a great way to do this. Being present during your meals will help you feel satiated and be less likely to overeat.  

Be Limitless 

Putting restrictions on certain foods or food groups can lead to an unhealthy mindset about nutrition. While some foods have fewer nutrients than others, everything can be included in moderation. Rather than focus on what to remove, think about what you can add to your diet. If treating yourself to a cookie, why not pair it with yogurt for added protein and nutrients? In a study by the Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Research, approaching food with this intuitive mindset resulted in lower odds of depressive symptoms, low self-esteem, and unhealthy eating behaviors.   

Your relationship with food doesn’t have to be complicated. Trying out these simple changes will create balanced and sustainable eating habits. Eating good will have you feeling good and ready to tackle the remainder of your journey. 


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